The Word is Everything

Dearest Family in Christ.

My prayers are always with you.

I am writing to remind you of a covenant. And I want you to know and understand the covenant that God made with us, and a covenant is like a marriage agreement. 

For people who are struggling, I understand how hard it can be with what you’ve been through, but I also need you to understand that you have your covenant (marriage agreement) with God. 

He is faithful to us despite how we all have treated Him. The same happened to me. I had a desire to know God and to have a heart after Him. 

What I can tell you is that the Bible is more than just mere words. It is the Way out of your situation, the Truth that sets you free, and the Life-giving words that fill us. It is the very Word of God. And in John 1, you see how John explains that the Word became flesh. 

I need you to understand with all your heart that when you take your Bible and read, you are actually taking up Jesus and reading Him, reading His very heart. It is the very Word that was spoken out of the abundance of His precious heart. 

And this Word has power. It is the life-giving power that has existed since the beginning of time and will exist forevermore. 

It is because of His words that everything in heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth was formed. Now, when you take the Word to read it, ask God for help. The way I always do this is by Praying, Reading, Studying, Memorising, and Meditating on the Word. 

1. Pray — Ask God to help you read the Word. You cannot understand it unless God teaches you, and once you do, you will begin praying the Word. 

2. Read — Reading the Word delivers us from bondage and captivity. It delivers us from every work of the enemy. 

3. Study — Study the Word, for the Bible tells us to “study to show thyself approved unto God” (2 Tim 2:15). Studying keeps us aware of not only God, but also on how to resist the enemy.

4. Memorise — Memorising is what I like to call sharpening my sword to fight against the works of the flesh and the enemy. The flesh is the first enemy that I need to deal with. It is important to subject the flesh to the Spirit so that you may win the first battle. Do this by memorising the Scriptures. Memorising is like sharpening your weapons. 

5. Meditate — This is important too. Meditation means doing the Word, just as Psalms 119:11 says: “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

Meditation means hiding God’s Word in your heart so that you live out the Word. 

Now, I pray that God will guide you into all things that are right and true, keeping you in His perfect love. To Jesus be all Glory, and Honor and Power now and forever. Amen.
